Fall 2020 - I joined the Carleton Internet Security Lab for a PhD program - part time. On my full time schedule, I worked as a 5G baseband Software Developer at Ericsson before joining Google as a Software Engineer in the GCP AI and Industry Solution org. My research is supervised by Professor AbdelRahman Abdou. My interests cuts accross Computer Security and Networking, and Machine Learning. (Emai - FirstnameLastname[at]cmail.carleton.ca)

I completed my Master of Applied Science (M.ASc) degree at the University of Ottawa. My research was supervised by Professor Dimitrios Makrakis(University of Ottawa) and Professor Ashraf Matrawy (Carleton University). My research focused on Packet Steering in Multi-Subscriber Software Defined Networking Environments. I was a member of the NGN Research Group at Carleton University and my research interests then, included Machine learning, Data Structures and Algorithms, Protocols, Software Defined Networking, Building Secure Modular Scalable Applications and Internet Security.

I maintain a small code base on Github and in spare time, I tinker on this part of the web or learn on one of the best MOOC platforms. Programming languages I have worked with include: C, C++, Python, Matlab, Java, Javascript, C#.

Publications (on Google Scholar )

Teaching Assistant(TA) & Corrector(C) Positions (University of Ottawa)

  • CEG 4188A - Higher Layer Networks (Fall 2016) TA
  • ELG 5374 - Computer Communication Networks (Fall 2016)C
  • CEG 4190 -Computer Network Design (Winter 2017)TA
jcchuks [at] gmail [dot] com(preferred) or jchuk071 [at] uottawa [dot] ca
jchuk071 is "jchuk Zero Seven One", dont mind my cryptic email address.

You may find some of my rants here and you can connect with me on LinkedIn.
One of my best quotes
"Science is a refinement of every day thinking" ... Albert Einstein.